Hello, and welcome to IPL "Guess the target" 2020 (IPL g20) game!

It is an app in your browser (aka. web-app or SPA) with which you can "make a guess" on target of the upcoming IPL matches, and you can also check the results of the past matches.

Kindly login in your account, if you've created one. If not, then you sign up by clicking the button given below.

Have a great day!

©vrintle (Rahul Verma) 2020. All rights reserved.


account_circle alphabetical, min. 3 chars

lock min. 8 chars

This username is already taken.
{{ backendErr }}

NOTE THAT: 1) Your passwords are protected with node's bcypt hashing module, so they can't be reformed once hashed. 2) Your username once created can't be changed later. 3) This is to ensure your account security. If you like using this app, share it with others! :) ©vrintle (Rahul Verma)

Hello {{ name }}!

Welcome to IPL "Guess the target" 2020 (IPL g20) game!
It is an app in your browser (aka. web-app) with which you can "make a guess" on target of the upcoming IPL matches, and you can also check the results of the past matches.

Have a great day!

©vrintle (Rahul Verma) 2020. All rights reserved.


Hey {{ name }}, what would be the estimated target for this match?

an int
an int

Max. permissible difference: {{ Math.ceil((+up + +down) * 0.025) }}

Range values are not in increasing order.
Range values should be whole numbers.
Max. permissible difference exceeded!

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